Green Initiatives
Nestled against Cook County Forest Preserve land, the Mary Mix McDonald Woods, and the Chicago Botanic Garden, our course is an important natural habitat for a variety of plants, birds, and insects. The Glencoe Golf Club is committed to being strong environmental stewards, protecting this land from the impact of commercial development and supporting the species that depend on this land.

Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary
The Golf Club has achieved designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary through the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses and has been recognized for Environmental Stewardship by Audubon International. Since certification in 2011 the Glencoe Golf Club has focused on conservation, science, education, and advocacy. To learn more about the ACSP for golf program and what it means to be a member go to ACSP for Golf – Audubon International
Monarch Butterfly Conservation Programs
The monarch butterfly’s population has declined by more than 90 percent over the last two decades and was sadly added to the endangered species list in 2022. One of main drivers in the decline of the migratory monarch’s population is the use of herbicides, resulting in a loss of milkweed, essential for monarchs’ reproduction. To combat this decline and the decline of other key pollinators, The Club at Glencoe has created, conserved, and protected monarch butterfly habitats and planted milkweed and other nectar sources throughout the property. The Club is also a registered Monarch Waystation and a member of Audubon International’s Monarchs in the Rough program.

Over 100 Acres of Turf Grass
- Provide wildlife habitat
- Discourages pests (e.g. ticks and mosquitoes)
- Produces oxygen
- Creates temperature modifications
- Provides cooling effect for the surrounding property
- Provides noise abatement
- Aids in allergy control
- Provide pollutant absorption
Over 1,000 Trees Provide:
- A day’s worth of oxygen for a family of four per tree
- Storm water management
- Air purification
- A natural coolant
- Food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.
5 Acres of Surface Water Provide:
- Filters for pollutants
- Flood control
- Wildlife habitat